Sunday, June 28, 2009


Before we know it, school will be starting, which means seminary will be starting again. Summer is flying by! Not that anything really exciting has been happening around here. We are just in the business of living life quietly .... our kids would say "boringly" (is that even a real word?) .... but we like it that way. Erin, Steve and kids moved to Las Vegas the end of May which leaves us officially "empty nesters" ... again. These are the sights and sounds of Kansas in June at the McvDavitts:

Watch the clouds build and the storms roll in....why we love Kansas!

Wheat fields..."amber waves of grain" takes on a significantly greater meaning.

Whatever that stuff is that they roll into big hay rolls.

Larry in his official "lawnmowing" gear, on his official "Deere". (for those of you who are not aware....Larry loves mowing lawns....)

Our garden....probably will be at the height of production about the time we are on vacation.

I finally finished the quilt for grandson McDavitt (not born yet). It's a jungle motif in case you are wondering. I started it a couple years ago. Guess I just needed the right motivation to finish it!

Isn't this just too cute! This squirrel was lounging around on our deck handrail.

More local wildlife

This turtle is about as big as a dinner plate. It washed into the road during one of our torrential downpours. Thinking it would probably get squished because it was the color of the road, I rescued it and put it in the yard....after making sure it wasn't a snapping turtle...they bite!

Fireworks are legal one week before July 4th and at least one day after. An amazing phenomenon happens at exactly one week before the 4th.....These things are all over the city!!

Have a Great Summer!